Tuesday, April 11, 2006

35th State Senate District Special Election Day

Today is Special Election day in the 35th State Senate District. That district overlaps most of the 67th Assembly District and one of the leading Republican candidates is the current 67th Assemblyperson, Tom Harman, so this race is of interest here.

This race is significant because most of the marketing to Democrats has been by Harman. But we do have an honest-to-goodness Democrat to support: Larry Caballero. Here's why I believe it's important that we support Larry.

The other Republican, Diane Harkey, represents the current Republican Party line in all it's nastiness - and has the endorsements to prove it. In fact, she's only in the race because the Party wanted someone other than Harman to run, so they went and found a city council member to run. Normally State Senate races attract bigger fish than that, but evidently the Republicans got everyone (except Harman) into line to support their anointed candidate. So voting for Harkey is voting to let the Republican Party think for you.

Tom Harman tries to get Democratic support as a moderate even while ramping up conservative rhetoric to hold on to Republican support. Fr' instance: after 6 years in the Assembly suddenly his top priority is Immigration?! Yeah right. It's just because the Republicans decided to stir that up as the wedge issue du jour. For Dems, Harman wants us to this he's a good guy environmentalist. If you only care about local issues, we can thank him for his role in one significant accomplishment - the Proposition (12?) that paved the way for the preservation of most of the Bolsa Chica Mesa. As much as we appreciate that, his record on statewide issues, including the environment, just isn't impressive. For the most part Harman has towed the Republican party line and still been treated as a 2nd class member of the Party because he isn't a true conservative believer. So he's not in the majority (Democratic) party and he is on the outs with his own. Doesn't sound like effective representation to me.

If you want real Democratic representation, Larry Caballero is the one. He has been active in the Democratic Party for years (I can vouch for seeing him in action back to at least 2000). He represents the best of our education community, doing an outstanding job in some very challenging public schools. He is a well spoken, intelligent individual and will make an excellent legislator. We need to show that we are not afraid to support someone who will really support us. Please vote for Larry Caballero for State Senate today.


At 11 April, 2006 08:45, Blogger Andy Hilbert said...

Well said, Mark. Larry deserves our support today and in the run off. I am proud that we Dems have someone to represent us in this district.


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