Friday, April 14, 2006

IRS War on Easter

Ok, call me a procrasinator. I'll be doing my taxes this weekend, just before the deadline April 17th. The day before, April 16th, is Easter. The timing of Easter (which is an odd formula based on the lunar cycle in early Spring - check out an almanac to see how it works) generally corresponds to the final weeks before the personal tax deadline, so I always find myself feeling like I should be working on taxes to avoid a last minute rush.... or in a last minute rush. Either way, the IRS is getting in the way of the most important holiday of the year for Christians and marshmallow chick manufacturers.

With all the fuss last December that Bill O'Reilly and others generated about the so-called "War on Christmas," why aren't Christian Conservatives railing against the IRS for what it is doing to Easter. Heaven knows this crowd doesn't shy away against railing against the IRS for any other reason. So why not get a twofer and make this a new Crusade?

Maybe they can get the IRS to move tax day a month later so I get a breather on my taxes. Unless they move it a month earlier.


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