Thursday, April 20, 2006

Larry Caballero coverage in the Los Angeles Times

The LA Times ran an article on 18Apr2006 about Larry Caballero and his campaign for California State Senate.
The article is available online (Registration Required) at:,1,7574691.story?ctrack=1&cset=true

While the article follows the common LA Times approach of declaring no chance for Democratic victory in an Orange County election, it is better than most such articles in that it gives some attention to Larry's comments on the issues.

The article also talks to Tom Harman's staff and shows that Harman is now planning to court Republican support and GOTV aimed at Republican voters. In other words, Democrats have served their purpose (helping to get Harman past his conservative GOP opponent) and are no longer necessary. Tom knows he must court Republicans for the votes to elect him in the runoff. His history as an Assemblyman shows that he's willing to do the same when in office. Except for a few select issues to keep the home district voters happy (e.g. Bolsa Chica) Tom has gone along with the GOP program. Funny, it still hasn't endeared him to the Republican establishment, which time and again has gone out of their way to get someone else nominated to replace him.

Democrats: you have NOTHING to lose by voting for Larry in the runoff!


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