Monday, November 06, 2006

2006 General Election Endorsements

The Orange County Democratic Party website has posted the Party's official endorsements.

Now I'd like to speak for myself:

I can give my endorsement to all the Democrats nominated for Partisan office in this District. In particular, I have met Assembly candidate Ray Roberts and find him to be well thought and well spoken, a refreshing alternative to Jim Silva, a party-line Republican who doesn't speak well for himself and certainly doesn't speak for me.

I'd also like to comment on a few local races in Huntington Beach.
The non-partisan local races are tougher to call, especially those without a decent selection of viewpoints represented. For Huntington Beach City Council I recommend:
Jill Hardy
Flossie Horgan
Joe Shaw

Lest there be any misunderstandings, I'm pretty sure that not all of those 3 are Democrats. But they all share a concern about preservation of the quality of Huntington Beach.

The School Districts are so difficult to figure out that I am gingerly figuring out which I think are the most likely decent candidates. I don't have enough confidence in my information to put out an endorsement. I will say, however, that I have serious concerns for anyone who lists Ayn Rand and his greatest influence and for that reason I recommend NOT voting for John Briscoe for Ocean View School District.

If you are still undecided and wish to make an informed choice I highly recommend It won't give all the answers, but it's a good starting point to look for information.


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