Saturday, May 13, 2006

Jim Brandt for 46th CD Rally - 13May2006 at 4pm

There will be a Rally for Congressional Candidate Jim Brandt Saturday, May13, at 4:00 pm at the Huntington Beach Pier. The event is being organized by the Democratic National Committee, capping off a full day of campaigning around the District. (More details on other events at: Campaigning at the Pier is noted on that page but the Rally at 4pm isn't specifically noted.)

Jim is our opportunity for effective representation for the 46th Congressional District - which overlaps much of the 67th AD and extends up the coast into Long Beach (More on Jim's campaign at For too long it has been misrepresented by Dana Rohrabacher, a poster boy for Republican callousness.

We need you, your friends, your family, Democrats and everyone who wants better representation, to come out and cheer Jim on! This is a phenomenal opportunity to raise visibility for Jim’s campaign (and within sight of Rohrabacher's District Office at Main and PCH!), so please arrive at Pacific Coast Highway at Main Street by 4 pm for the rally. Hope to see you there!