Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Garamendi for Lt. Governor

It's easy to focus on the "top of ticket" races (this year, for Governor) and lose track of the other important seats on the same ticket.

One of the least regarded executive seats at the statewide level is Lt. Governor. Many in the public believe the joke that the Lt. Governor checks the obituaries each morning, and not seeing the Governor listed there, can take the day off. In reality, the Lt. Governor covers an important range of State duties. They serve as Acting Governor whenever the Governor is out of state (which isn't necessarily important as long as nothing unscheduled occurs, like maybe an earthquake). Even on a daily basis, the Lt. Governor serves on a number of State Boards - too many for the Governor to even try to cover, but nonetheless deserving of State Executive representation - and which make policies affecting all of us.

We are fortunate that the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor is John Garamendi, a California public servant in the truest sense. Garamendi defined the office of Insurance Commissioner as it's first occupant - and later restored it to respectibility after it was run amuck by a corrupt Republican. Garmendi has also served distinguished terms in the California Legislature and as Deputy Secretary of the Interior. John Garamendi represents an opportunity to fill this important position with an experienced and principled leader.

For those who believe in supporting candidates they believe in beyond the ballot box, John also needs our support now in the final stretch of the election. Unlike others in the race, Garamendi does not bring a fat personal checkbook to finance his own campaign. He depends on our support as well as our belief in him. With so much focus on the Governors race and on major ballot propositions, it is easy to forget how expensive it is to run any statewide race, including those "downticket" races. So please consider giving John your financial support (even better, volunteer your time if you can). Please see http://www.garamendi.org/ to see how you can help.