Tuesday, June 06, 2006

It's California Primary Day.... Please cast your ballot with care

Please vote and do it responsibly - with some understanding of who/what you are voting for. That should be an easy assignment for anyone skillful enough with the web to find this blog!

In particular on this ballot - please pay attention to the runoff election for 35th State Senate - between Democratic Candidate Larry Caballero, and Republican Tom Harman. There is plenty of reason for Progressivee to support Larry, and he has my wholehearted endorsement.

I am concerned to see how the ballot is configured. The 35th race is sandwiched between partisan primary elections, with no mention of the runoff nature of that race. Certainly there were means to better format the ballot.

Others may want to fight the County Registrar about this. For my part, I wish Larry the best with this election; and also my wishes to all nomineers in the battle to gain the attention of the voting public and focus it on what is truly at stake in this election, at all levels of government.